Thursday, February 12, 2009

Just a little update...

There's a song written by Alanis Morissette about the ironic occurances in life, and it includes a little bit about the likelihood of rain on one's wedding day. While this may not seem nearly as drastic, there is something to be said for the fact that, while Israel has been in a self-proclaimed drought for the past few years, it seems to rain on almost every one of my free days here in Haifa.
Although almost two weeks ago, my first Shabbat morning at Haifa was spent sitting inside Sintarella's, a (great!!) restaurant in Mercaz HaCarmel, due to torrential downpours. This past Tuesday was election day in Israel, which is considered a state-wide holiday. We were given the day off from classes, and a hiking trip to Stella Maris and Elijah's cave was scheduled. However, it proceeded to rain on our parade again, literally. For the record, I'm talking thunder-and-lightening, raining-so-hard-it-sounds-like-hail kind of storm. Although it's great for the Israeli farming economy, (try not to think of me as a selfish tourist when I say this) it has been difficult to see many of the local sites.
However, there is a trip to Zichron Y'akov and Ceasarea scheduled for tomorrow, which I am very excited for, and will hopefully post about later. My friends and I are also planning to visit the Baha'i Gardens on Saturday morning, a site which I have been told is like nothing I've ever seen, so I am keeping my fingers crossed for nice weather! (and a continuation of the "heat wave" that Massachusetts experienced this week...)

Lots of love,

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